Joomla Installation using XAMPP

Joomla is a free and Open Source content management system used to create websites. Joomla allows web designers to construct sites by combining modules, and requires basic knowledge of programming to use ( Almost not required ! ). It’s framework is written in PHP, as are the modules used to customize websites. So many modules are freely available on internet for Joomla.
Following steps will guide you to install Joomla in RHEL using XAMPP!
STEP 1: Download XAMPP. XAMPP is a “*AMMP” bundle that includes the Apache server, Perl, PHP and MySQL database. You can download it from:
STEP 2: Open a terminal as a root and run to extract the xampp to opt directory.
# tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.6.6.tar.gz -C /opt

STEP 3: CD” to the /opt/lampp directory and start the daemons:
# ./lampp start
Now all needed daemons are up and running, you can test this by opening a browser and typing localhost in the address bar. You should see the XAMPP configuration page.
STEP 4: Go to the directory htdocs inside the lampp installation that was created by XAMPP:
# cd /opt/lampp/htdocs/
STEP 5: Now, Create a joomla directory:
# mkdir joomla
STEP 6: Download the latest joomla! from the joomla official site –
STEP 7: Extract joomla tar inside the joomla directory you have created previously.
For example:
# cd /opt/lampp/htdocs/joomla
# tar -xzvf /root/Download/Joomla_1.0.15-Stable-Full_Package.tar.gz
STEP 8: Change all the permissions of the joomla files so they can be writeable from all (Recursively change permissions).
# chmod -R ugo+rwx .
STEP 9: Open a browser and type in the address bar: http://localhost/joomla
If you have successfully completed the pre installation, joomla site should appear and then you need to follow the wizard to finish off the installation.
In the page of the wizard that asks for user / password / database_name etc., you can use root as the user but no password (If you have not set the root password !) for the database.
STEP 10: This is a solution to a problem when I was trying to access my joomla site remotely. The problem was no graphics appeared, when trying to access the site remotely.
To solve this you have to open the configuration.php file and edit the line shown below. You should use the ip of your web server or the actual name you have registered. (i.e
# vim /opt/lampp/htdocs/joomla/configuration.php
Locate the following line and modify it as shown:
$mosConfig_live_site = ‘http:///joomla (or Directory, you unzipped joomla)/’
i.e $mosConfig_live_site = ‘’ or
i.e $mosConfig_live_site = ‘’

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